ALiAS CONDOS Located in downtown Toronto, at Church street & Richmond Street...
【FORMA CONDOS】 Located in Downtown Toronto Nearest intersection: King Street West & University...
【FORET CONDOS】 Located in Midtown Toronto Nearest intersection: St. Clair Ave W &...
【YONGE AT WELLESLEY STATION CONDOS】 Located in Downtown Toronto Nearest intersection: Church St...
【U.C. Tower 3】 Located in North Oshawa Nearest intersection: Winchester Rd E &...
【908 ST. CLAIR WEST CONDOS】Located in Downtown Toronto. Nearest intersection: St.Clair Ave...
Located in Downtown Toronto, at Church street & Richmond Street East. -...
【CELESTE CONDOS】 Located in the heart of Downtown Core Nearest intersection: Richmond &...
【CRAFT RESIDENCES】 Located in Downtown Toronto Nearest intersection: Runnymede Road & Dundas Street...
【DAWES CONDOS】 Located in Downtown Nearest intersection: Danforth Ave & Dawes Rd - Project...
【ELEKTRA CONDOS】 Located in Downtown Nearest intersection: Dundas St East & Jarvis Street -...
【GROOVE URBAN CONDOS】 Located in downtown Toronto, near Bathurst street & St.Clair...
【CONCORD SKY CONDOS】 Located in the heart of Downtown Toronto, at Yonge...
EC MANOR 怡東閣把握最後優惠,9月動工機會難逢 萬勿錯過1. 長者舒適生活社區怡東閣座落於士嘉堡最繁盛的社區之內,是一個專為55歲及以上人士而打造的長者社區發展項目。怡東閣提供各項為長者而設的設施及活動,包括專業貼心醫療服務、緊急支援服務以及多元化興趣班,左鄰右里輕鬆結伴,增添退休生活和諧姿彩, 2. 交通方便、四通八達怡東閣近位於米蘭大道和雪栢大道的公車站、距米蘭大道輕鐵站僅數分鐘路程,舉步可到愛靜閣社區中心、愛靜閣公園、 醫療中心、牙醫診所、超級市場、銀行、中式餐館、公車及其他設施,並且靠近未來的士嘉堡地鐵站。 3. 頂級耆老醫療服務怡東閣將設有醫療中心,為住户提供專業貼心服務。怡東閣更設緊急醫護通知系統,每個單位將配備直接連接到大堂服務台的平安鐘,且大廈將設24小時值班大堂保安看守,確保住戶安然無恙。怡東閣服務台社區服務由專業可靠機構提供,為住戶提供社區服務諮詢及轉介服務,並包括一系列健康檢查跟進,一站式照顧長者醫療需要,讓家人倍感安心。4. 星級支援怡東閣提供一系列頂級支援服務,包括於日間時段安排專車接載住客到購物中心和超市市場,增添生活便利。 5. 豐富大廈設施 ...
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